Return to Center


A couple of days ago, a good friend said something like this:

“Things get crazy and we forget to work from our center.”

So, I began to think, “how can I start to do that again?”

Well, tonight, Grace summed it up at the beginning of our meditation practice at Blue Heron Sangha.

“Tonight we begin as we hear the sound of the bell, returning to our center.”

Somehow the realization came that we begin to work from our center again by returning to our center.  And, how do we do that?

Start with something simple.  Pay attention to something.  Anything.  Breath is always good.

Tonight I shared this:

“I wonder if the children I teach realize what a gift they are to me, for they are the largest part of my practice.  Working with them keeps me in the present moment.  I have no choice.”  (chuckles from around the room)

And so sometimes the things that we struggle against become the very things that can bring us back to center.  Who knows?  Maybe you’ll discover that you were there all the time.

Burrow Back to Center

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One Comment on “Return to Center”

  1. The Juicer Says:

    Thanks for the beautiful thought Phil. Somehow, very peaceful and calming.
    I believe that we do lose ourselves thinking about or being in the Past or the Future, as we do most of the time. To be in the present moment? Now that needs a lot of practice, a realization. And that’s what’s real.

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